Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010
Corruptor's Infidel : NU and Muhammadiyah Collaborate Against Corruption ?
Pakar Info - Corruptor's Infidel : What happens if the two major Islamic organizations in this country that NU and Muhammadiyah collaborate against corruption? Preliminary results, at least show when both unite the mind in a book : "Corruptor's Infidel"
Book bound in black and burning torches with rod -plated money, entitled "The Corruptor's Infidel", Fiqh Study of Corruption in Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).
Mizan published with funding from the Partnership Patnership, this book was launched Wednesday, August 18, 2010 was launched in Jakarta, before breaking fast. Present at the launch of the book, the book editor, Bambang Widjojanto one candidate who is also head of the KPK. Secretary-General also Suriyah NU Malik Madani. (See also : MUI : The Defining Pagan That God, Not People)
In a press release, Executive Director Partnership Wicaksono Sarosa said two major Islamic organizations have agreed to dissect various dimensions of corruption. Complete with strategic ways for combating it well. Both refer to the legacy of Islamic thought is found in the tradition of contemporary jurisprudence and legal understanding.
"This book not only presents the corruption of the side view of Muhammadiyah and NU, but also offer some alternatives to eradicate corruption among the Islamic community and for the country, "he said.
In the book, said Wicaksono, also confirmed that corruptive actions which basically putting money above all tantamount to shirk. The Partnership also hoped that this affirmation can be a driving force of social movements of anti - corruption. "We hope to organize social movements emerged better governance" he said. (Tempointeraktif.com)
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