Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010
Cameron Diaz named the most dangerous celeb on the Internet
Cameron Diaz named the most dangerous celeb on the Internet : Who knew that loving Cameron Diaz could be so risky? Turns out that searching the Web for the bubbly blond star comes with this year's highest chance of encountering corrupt sites and malicious software.
Searching for "Cameron Diaz" brings bad news — in the form of risky sites — in one of every 10 search results, according to McAfee's Most Dangerous Celebrities study. Make the search terms "Cameron Diaz" and "screensavers," and that 10% chance of danger almost doubles. The "Knight and Day" star replaces last year's No. 1, Jessica Biel.
"Cybercriminals follow the same hot topics as consumers and create traps based on the latest trends," said McAfee security sleuth Dave Marcus. Viruses and malware, often designed to steal personal information, lie in wait for users who download photos, videos or screensavers from malicious sites. Read More...

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